DIDO 2023

Digital Identity and Digital Onboarding for FinTech & Crypto

calander 2023-04-27 09:07:27

calander Barcelona Spain

60+ Attendees

16+ Speakers

Event Description

Digital identity is the process of verifying an individual’s identity in the digital world, and it is becoming increasingly important as we continue to digitize society. The digital identity ecosystem has grown exponentially with the proliferation of new technology solutions providers, enterprises, and leading associations building our future identity ecosystem.

Avlante is excited to announce a 2-day conference on Digital Identity and Digital Onboarding (DIDO) for Fintech and Crypto on 27-28 April in Barcelona, Spain. We’ll be discussing topics such as developing an effective digital identity strategy, the importance of data security and creating a great customer experience. There will also be an open discussion about the latest developments in digital identity management technology.

The event will focus on new technologies and their impact on digital identity and digital onboarding for fintech and crypto companies. Avlante invites you to be part of the conference and discover more about digital onboarding and identification. Our main goal is to demonstrate how this industry’s technology advancements have facilitated the fintech sector’s explosive worldwide growth. The conference will host various experts, speakers, and professionals in this field. It is an opportunity for networking, exchange of knowledge, and also a great way to find new clients!

Our focus will be on:

  • Best-practice in digital identity verification processes
  • Ensuring the best UX with onboarding Fintech App
  • Successful implementation of effective AML and Anti-Fraud strategies
  • Turning onboarding challenges into engagement opportunities
  • Challenges of crypto exchange KYC compliance
  • The role of current and developing regulations
  • Importance of KYC in Transaction Monitoring for fiat and blockchain
  • What are the main AML and KYC challenges for crypto exchanges and fintech? How can we overcome these difficulties?




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Our Venue

Barcelona Spain Barcelona Spain Barcelona Spain

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DIDO 2023 -Digital Identity and Digital Onboarding for FinTech & Crypto